Saturday, March 1, 2025

Meet Stanley

We met Pastor Stanley at our branch conference almost a year ago. BTA, a Papua New Guinean Bible translation association, introduced their new staff members, and we were surprised that one of them was from Enga. It was fun to watch Stanley’s face when Adam greeted him in the Enga language. We soon learned that Stanley has a dynamic personality and is extremely motivated to promote the Enga New Testament. He joined us in Enga and was a great help with distribution during the various dedications last summer, and he has been instrumental in organizing the Foursquare church to host an upcoming trauma healing workshop (see below). The Foursquare church in Stanley’s area has also begun a yearlong Bible school. The leaders of this school made the decision that every student must begin the course with Enga literacy. This past month forty-four students began their Bible school course with learning to read the Enga New Testament. Stanley was very instrumental in making this happen. We are very thankful for Stanley’s determination and passion to see the Enga New Testament used. Please keep Stanley in your prayers as he continues to promote literacy and assist with distribution. Watch this short video of Stanley sharing his vision to see every pastor in Enga reading the Enga New Testament from the pulpit.

Pastor Stanley promoting the Enga Audio Bible
Consultant Checking of Genesis
The Enga translators continue to work on translating the Old Testament, and we currently have two Enga translators and two pastors staying in Ukarumpa for the consultant check of Genesis 26 through 50. This is the first consultant check in which the entire room is filled with only Papua New Guineans. The consultant is a Papua New Guinean and so are the checkers and translators. It is encouraging to see the Enga translators reach the point where they can operate a bit more independently, and it is exciting to see trained Papua New Guinean consultants checking translated portions independently.

Consultant Checking Genesis 26–50
Trauma Healing Workshop
You might remember that a few months back we had plans to hold a trauma healing workshop near Wabag, the capital of Enga Province. This course was canceled due to ongoing fighting. The course is rescheduled to take place in a new location during the last two weeks of March. It will be run by the Scripture Use team based here in Ukarumpa and will involve using the Enga New Testament. Adam and I have plans to travel to Enga to participate in the workshop, as well as check in on the distribution process for the Enga New Testament. However, over the last couple of days, we have heard reports that there are roadblocks and protests along the highway that we would travel on. Several vehicles have been destroyed.

Please pray that these conflicts would be resolved and that nothing would stop this course from happening. Pray that the roads would be clear and safe. Pray that Adam would have peace about driving there. Let me be clear: I am asking you to engage the heavenly realms. Get on your knees, post a note on your bathroom mirror, or leave one in your Bible. Ask your churches, small groups, and friends to pray over this. I do not believe that these conflicts on the road at this particular time are a coincidence. We hope to drive up on March 15 and return on March 29. If the Lord intends for us to go, He will make a way. Thank you for praying.