With our work permit, visas, and plane tickets in hand, we are busy making our final preparations before departing for Papua New Guinea on January 20, 2012.
We depart for Papua New Guinea on January 20, 2012 at 2:15 p.m., and arrive in Madang, Papua New Guinea nearly 28 hours later. In Madang, we will complete the 14-week Pacific Orientation Course, which will prepare us for life in Papua New Guinea.
Pastor Jim Cymbala invited us to share at the Brooklyn
Tabernacle's Tuesday evening prayer service on Sep. 27. |
So what are we doing in the meantime? Since returning from our linguistics training this summer at the University of North Dakota, we have been speaking at different churches every week. Two speaking opportunities have been especially meaningful to us. On September 25, we shared at Ingomar Church, where Adam’s parents have been members for twenty-five years and where Adam attended as a child. What a joy to return to the church where seeds of faith were first planted in Adam’s life (even though those seeds took a while to start to grow)! Two days later we shared at the Brooklyn Tabernacle, one of the largest churches in New York City. Pastor Jim Cymbala happened to see us share our story in California in April and invited us to the Brooklyn Tabernacle’s renowned Tuesday evening prayer service attended by three or four thousand people each week. It was incredibly inspiring and uplifting to have so many people praying for us at once.
By the time we leave in January we will have shared at nearly 50 churches in 7 different states! Besides speaking, Adam is also taking a Bible translation class at Biola University, while Martha is leading the effort to purchase clothes for the children for the next four years!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We can’t tell you how much we are going to miss you!
The Cost of Obedience
Asher with his great-grandmother |
Oswald Chambers once wrote, “If we obey God it is going to cost other people more than it costs us, and that is where the sting comes in.” As we think about those words and the impact that our decision to go to Papua New Guinea will have on the lives of those we love, it brings tears to our eyes. We had a choice about going, but they have no choice in the matter. Their sacrifice is greater than ours, and so we want to take a special opportunity to thank them.
Bob & Heather Boyd
Thank you, mom and dad, for loving and supporting us. I know it is very difficult for you to see your son, daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren move so far away, but you have been nothing but supportive since the day we told you about our decision. I love you so much! – Adam
Charles Zimmerman

Father, the example you set before me of great perseverance in the face of trials has greatly influenced me, and I thank you for the foundation of courage you provided in my life. I know the sacrifice is great. Thank you for the support and encouragement you have shown us in spite of the pain. I love you! – Martha
John & LeeAnn Johnson
You encouraged us to keep moving forward when we wanted to quit. You’ve taught us how to be loving and patient with people, and you’ve supported us beyond measure. We love you!
Olen & Theresa Adams
Thank you Olen and Theresa for all your support! You have been wonderful friends and have treated us like your own family. We love you!