An Unforgettable Evening
A couple months ago our pastor asked us to be a part of Covina Assembly's annual missions banquet on Sunday night, November 13. He said that we should just be prepared to share for fifteen minutes about our preprations over the past year. We always try our best to be well prepared when asked to speak at a church, but nothing could have prepared us for the incredible service we had that night. The church dedicated the entire evening to blessing, honoring, and commissioning us for our work in Papua New Guinea. The church invited Martha's dad and aunt as well as Adam's cousin. And then they pulled out the ultimate surprise by bringing out Adam's parents, sister, and niece, whom they had flown in from Pittsburgh and Seattle. People shared testimonies in person, via video, and even through a live Skype call to let us know how we have made a difference in their lives. The church then showered us with gifts to make our life a little more enjoyable in Papua New Guinea (including some things to keep the kids happy on the 28-hour trip to get there). We were completely amazed and overwhelmed. The church couldn't have made us feel more loved, appreciated, and supported. It was a night we will never forget.
Un Mensaje en Español
Adam had the opportunity to share for ten minutes in Spanish at two services in November. Adam had studied Spanish in high school and college and had the opportunity to learn a lot during our year in Ecuador. He is not completely fluent, but with a lot of practice and the help of our friends Gustavo Arias and Erica Gomez, it seemed to go over well. Click play below to hear Adam share our story in Spanish
The Nativity
Two years ago, we decided to have some fun and make a short film called The Nativity with Bella as Mary, Jacob as Joseph, and Asher as the baby Jesus. We thought we would share it with all of you as a way to say Merry Christmas! Watch it below.