A year ago, we sent out a newsletter with a list of prayer requests for 2024. We want to thank you for faithfully praying over these requests. Your prayers were felt, and I know they made a difference. Here is a brief update on our last year along with new prayer requests for 2025. We cannot do this work without you. Thank you for your prayers.
It has almost been a year since we left Jacob at the airport curb on a dark, cold January morning. We left a letter for him that told him we had an army praying for him, and I believe an army truly has been praying for him. We are so thankful for how well he is doing and the growth we have seen in him over the last year. It is no easy thing to be an 18-year-old kid and have to say goodbye to your parents and siblings for 18 months.
After we left for PNG, Jacob spent five months in Costa Rica and had a successful experience serving with Push the Rock as an intern. He learned a lot of Spanish and developed strong relationships with his co-workers and host family and also enjoyed teaching and playing with the kids each day. In July he returned to the U.S. to live with his grandmother and went through another major transition as he started community college and began adjusting to life in the U.S. Jacob's first week of school brought on some anxiety, but after a few more weeks, he began to settle in and ended up doing really well in his classes. He has decided to continue community college and later transfer to a four-year school. He continues to work at Ace Hardware and play basketball at the local YMCA. We are incredibly proud of him.
Now that Jacob's schedule has changed, he has the opportunity to attend a local college group at a church. Please pray that he would develop strong friendships and connect with a community of faith around him. Pray that he would continue to do well in his courses and that he would love learning. Pray that God would give him clear direction for what kind of degree to pursue.
Jacob serving with Push the Rock in Costa Rica
Bella is in the middle of her senior year. She hit the ground running when she returned a year ago and has participated in sports, band, choir, theater, leading worship, work experience as a teacher’s helper, AP classes, and her latest event, hosting a couple of square-dancing nights. Bella has been accepted to several colleges and is now waiting for the financial aid packages to make her decision. Please pray that God will guide her decision and provide the financial aid she needs. Her first choice is Taylor University in Indiana, but she is praying that God will make it clear. Pray also for Bella to transition well to the U.S. Leaving Papua New Guinea and her friends will be extremely difficult. This is her home, and she has thrived here.
One of Bella's senior photos
Soon after returning to PNG last year, Asher began basketball season and made the A-team (varsity). This was a big deal since he was only in eighth grade. We are once again heading into basketball season, and Asher is very much looking forward to it. Pray that this season will be one in which he can grow in his skills, display humility, and build strong relationships with his teammates. Asher also started his first year of high school, and though math continues to be a struggle, he has done quite well. Pray that he would continue to adjust to high-school-level academics and strive to do his best.
Asher making a layup at a basketball tournament
Pray that all three of our children would seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Pray that they would seek to please God and not man, that they would not be influenced by this world but would be obedient followers of Christ. Pray that they would build relationships with people who spur them on to greater faith.
After working for twelve years straight to bring the translation of the Enga New Testament to fruition, Adam is now supporting the Enga translation team as they work more independently on the Old Testament. At the same time, Adam has taken on the role of Finance Office Manager. So many people have supported our translation work behind the scenes in so many ways! It only seems right for Adam to focus more of his time and energy in giving back to the Bible translation community by serving our organization in a way that supports other translation teams. Adam took over the Finance Office Manager role in the midst of a major transition in financial software when it became apparent that the person who was supposed to be coming to serve as Chief of Finance would be delayed indefinitely. Please pray for him as he tackles this big job that has a huge learning curve.
Adam being congratulated by the governor of Enga Province
MarthaI returned to teaching in July, and I am currently teaching sixth, seventh, and eighth grade English. It has been a lot to juggle, but I love the students here. Ukarumpa is an amazing place to teach. The class sizes are small, and the students are attentive and eager to learn. What I love most is that I get to openly share about my faith. Pray that I will be intentional in pointing my students to Jesus. Last year, I asked for prayer for being able to sleep at night. Though there are still nights when I wake up, they are much fewer, and I am most often able to fall back to sleep. I am learning to pray instead of worry, and that has helped tremendously. It also helps to have my Kindle next to my bed so that I can read instead of just lying there letting my brain go to places it shouldn’t go.
Martha serving as a community group leader for her former students
The Enga Bible Translation Project
We thank God that this year we were able to dedicate the New Testament and begin distribution. The bulk of our newsletters this year share the stories, so we won’t repeat them. We are very thankful for all that God has done, and we trust that God will continue to work in the lives of the Enga people. Please continue to pray that there would be an end to tribal fighting in Enga. Pray that the message of forgiveness and loving your enemies will be preached, believed, and lived out in their lives. Pray that the Holy Spirit will do a mighty work Enga Province and that the leaders will seek to be Christlike, choosing to honor peace and humility over power, wealth, and vengeance. Pray also that the Enga New Testament will be read and used, especially by church leaders. Pray that the fourteen Engans who attended a recent literacy course would use what they learned to teach others how to read in Enga and develop reading fluency.
The Enga translators continue to work on translating the Old Testament. We are excited that they are experienced enough to be working independently. Pray that God would grant them wisdom and stamina as they work. Pray also for protection over them and their families.
Two Enga men participating in the Enga Literacy course
Ukarumpa and Bible Translation in PNG
2024 has been a remarkable year for Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea. The Enga New Testament was only one of ten New Testaments that were dedicated this year. Though this is exciting, there are still roughly 200 more languages in need of Scripture in their own language. Some languages have people who have requested help and have been waiting for many years for someone to come.
The missionary center where we live, called Ukarumpa, plays a huge role in helping to produce Scripture in the local languages. In addition to housing missionaries and many Papua New Guinean employees, there is a large training center where Papua New Guineans take courses in translation, Greek, Hebrew, Literacy, Bible background, and more. In addition to translation, there are Scripture Use courses that are held all around the country. The planning, training, and development of the courses all happen here in Ukarumpa. There is a clinic here that serves Papua New Guineans as well as missionaries. There is a store, a recording studio, an auto shop, a print shop, a construction and maintenance center, all of which are needed by the missionaries who serve in translation, literacy, and Scripture Use. Maintaining this center is crucial to continuing the work of Bible translation.
Right now the center is at a critical stage. We have written about our serious need for teachers and administrators for the school, but we also need construction and maintenance people, aviation mechanics, finance, human resources, and IT people. Please pray that more people would have a heart for Bible translation and Scripture Use in the country of Papua New Guinea and that they would be willing to come and serve. If you are interested in serving in PNG or you know someone who might be, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to talk with you about serving in Bible translation in Papua New Guinea.